Chronic pain can be caused by many things, including arthritis, nerve damage, or simply “out-of-control neural pathways.” It can take different forms, including fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome, phantom pain and more. Treating pain is not a simple matter. When dealing with chronic pain it is important to take the whole person into consideration and to understand the mechanisms of your pain, several possible mechanisms that may contribute to the chronicity of pain need to be either ruled out or addressed through treatment. Different types of pain include nociceptive (pain that is caused by injured body structures, such as the muscles, tendons, joints, bones and organs); neuropathic (which is caused by damage of nerves and reorganization of neural structures); and dysfunctional or nociplastic pain (where pain is utterly maintained by an altered nervous system that enhances pain signals).
Sonja Redden will help you understand why your pain is so unrelenting and help you find strategies and exercises that you can use to manage your pain well.